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Completion of the academic year 2023-2024 at the "Business School" of the Kuban State Technological University


On April 26, 2024, the Kuban State Technological University hosted the graduation ceremony of the academic year at the Business School.

In the first part of the event, students defended business cases that were provided by participating companies as a final assignment.

The ceremony was attended by Natalia Belikova, Vice-Rector for Continuing Education and International Activities of the University, Oleg Zharko, Corporate Affairs Director Center South Region of Health & Nutrition company, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the Business Schools project, Chairman of the AEB Southern Regional Committee, Igor Brener, Employee Experience, Cargill GHRS Russia, Head of the coordination group of the Business Schools project, representatives of the participating companies of the project, Business School students, teachers and students.

The participants of the ceremony jointly summed up the results of the academic year, made their suggestions and noted the importance of further development of the Business School program at Kuban State Technological University, where it has been operating since 2015. At the end of the ceremony, certificates of the 9th launch of the Business School program were solemnly awarded to 17 students, 3 of whom are international students.
